CJ125 Wide-Range O2 Sensor Definition

This MotoHawk™ block supports Bosch LSU4.x oxygen sensors on modules that contain the CJ125 device.   For more information, refer to the Sensor and CJ125 Datasheets.

Block ID



MotoHawk_lib/Device Specific/CJ125 WideRange O2 Blocks


Choose the pin resource to read. Note, this block is only available on Modules that populate a CJ125 device such as the SECM112.

Block Parameters

Parameter Field Values Comments/Description
Resource Drop-down list Lists oxygen sensor inputs available; options are dependent on selected target ECU.
Allow I/O pin to be calibrated Check box Name, Access Levels and Instrumentation Group fields available. This field is only available on Classic modules, see ModuleTypes for help.
Name Alpha-numeric text, single-quote enclosed Name of the resource. Should be unique and C-legal (no special characters such as spaces, dashes or commas (underscore allowed).
Number of bits in UA/UR output Positive Integer [1..16] UA/UR analog output bit representation. The raw ADC conversion will be transformed to meet this bit representation. For example, a raw 10bit conversion that is configured for 12bit representation would be shifted to the left by 2.
Read Access Level 0-8 Sets security level 1 lowest, 8 highest, for user access to read value. A setting of zero indicates unsecured access is allowed.
Write Access Level 0-8 Sets security level 1 lowest, 8 highest, for user access to write value. A setting of zero indicates unsecured access is allowed.
Instrumentation Group Alpha-numeric text, single-quote enclosed Defines the desired Folder name and hierarchy to be used by suitable Instrumentation Tools. Use "|" character between folder names to delineate subfolder structure.