MotoHawk PCA9745B Global Set

The PCA9745B is a device that can drive up to 16 individual LEDs with constant current. This block configures parameters on the device which affect all connected LEDs.

Refer to the PCA9745B device datasheet for detailed explanation of parameters.

Block ID

PCA9745B Global Set




Block Inputs

Input Name Values Comments/Description
Global Current Gain uint8 [0-255], % ref curr IREFALL, Shortcut for setting all IREFx registers in one SPI transfer
Global Brightness uint8 [0-255], % PWMALL, Shortcut for setting all PWMx regiseters in one SPI transfer
Group Blink Freq uint8 [0-255] GRPFREQ, only applicable when DMBLNK=1
Group Brightness/Blink DC uint8 [0-255], % GRPPWM, either brightness control or blink duty cycle depending on DMBLNK
Channel Offset uint8 [0-15], multiple of 125 ns OFFSET, channel to channel turn on delay
Global Blink Enable bool DMBLNK, enables global blink pattern
Error Reset bool CLRERR, clears all faults latched in the device
Gradation Exponential Adjustment bool EXP_EN, chooses an exponential adjustment, rather than linear

Note: An LED chooses to join the Global Group Blink Pattern by setting its LED Mode input (LEDOUTx) to 3. The enum motohawk_PCA9745B_led_mode_enum labels this value "LED_GROUP."

Block Parameters

Parameter Field Values Comments/Description
Reference Name Alpha-numeric text, single quote enclosed Name references PCA9745B Definition block.