MotoHawk PCA9745B Group Set

The PCA9745B is a device that can drive up to 16 individual LEDs with constant current. There are four selectable gradation control groups and each group has independently adjustable control ramp-up and ramp-down rate, step time, hold ON/OFF time and final hold ON output current.

Refer to the PCA9745B device datasheet for detailed explanation of parameters.

Block ID

PCA9745B Group Set




Block Inputs

Input Name Values Comments/Description
Ramp Rate Per Step uint8 [0-63] RAMP_RATE_GRPx, Total number of ramp steps is defined as ‘IREF_GRPx’ / ‘ramp_rate’. (Round up to next integer if it is not an integer number.)
Step Time Multiple uint8 [0-63] STEP_TIME_GRPx, Step time = cycle time (0.5 ms or 8 ms) * multiple factor (1 ~ 64); minimum step time is 0.5 ms and maximum step time is 512 ms
Hold On Time uint8 [0-7], enum HOLD_TIME_GRPx, one of the members of motohawk_PCA9745B_group_hold_enum
Hold Off Time uint8 [0-7], enum HOLD_TIME_GRPx, one of the members of motohawk_PCA9745B_group_hold_enum
Final Current Gain uint8 [0-255] IREF_GRPx, the current to be applied to all LEDs in the group
Ramp Up Enable bool RAMP_RATE_GRPx, enables ramp up
Ramp Down Enable bool RAMP_RATE_GRPx, enables ramp down
Hold-On Enable bool HOLD_TIME_GRPx, enables hold on time
Hold-Off Enable bool HOLD_TIME_GRPx, enables hold off time
8 ms Cycle Time Enable bool STEP_TIME_GRPx, chooses cycle time of 8 ms when true or 0.5ms otherwise
Gradation Start bool GRAD_CNTL, starts the blink or ramp pattern
Gradation Continuous Operation Enable bool GRAD_CNTL, selects continuous operation when true or one-shot otherwise

Block Parameters

Parameter Field Values Comments/Description
Reference Name Alpha-numeric text, single quote enclosed Name references PCA9745B Group Definition block.