MotoHawk SAEJ1939 DM11 Definition

This block sets up a SAEJ1939 DM11 Definition using the specified handler.

Block ID

MotoHawk SAEJ1939 DM11 Definition




The "PGN Definition" script is required to follow the template outlined in the "motohawk_saej1939_dm11def_example" example file.

The definition script specifies a name and handler as well as provides a description of the function of a DM11 message.

This block will respond with a positive or negative acknowledgement when the PGN is requested via PGN 59904.

The block will enforce some PGN numbering rules specified in J1939-21. It is required that the application developer become familiar with these rules.

Block Parameters

Parameter Field Values Comments/Description
PGN Definition String Evaluates to a DM11 definition specified in the example script.