MotoHawk SAEJ1939 DM30 Scaled Test Result Instance Definition

This block declares an set of data that is used by DM30, scaled test results.

Block ID

MotoHawk SAEJ1939 DM30 Scaled Test Result Instance Definition




It is the application developers responsibility to manage the content of the values provided to this block based on the test results. The minimum maximum and value inputs are raw values. Please note that the run time value of the referenced J1939 SPN transmit block does not change when this block is executed. To update the values of SPN transmit blocks referenced in J1939 DM and J1939 raw transmission blocks, change the value of the J1939 SPN transmit block.

Block Parameters

Parameter Field Values Comments/Description
Scaled Test Instance Name String Unique name for this set of scaled test data
Referenced DM30 Instance String Reference to DM30 block that will transmit this set of data.
Referenced J1939 SPN Tx block String Reference to SPN transmit block. The SPN number is retreived based on this reference.
SLOT ID Numeric SLOT ID value used in this instance's data set.
FMI Numeric Failure Mode Indicator value used in this instance's data set.
