MotoHawk SAEJ1939 PGN Request Response

This block can be used to accept or deny a recieved request to transmit PGN.

Block ID

MotoHawk SAEJ1939 PGN Request Response




Provide a value of zero to accept the request to transmit PGN. Provide a non-zero value to deny the request. The provided non zero value will be used as the reason field in the negative acknowledgment message.

The SAEJ1939 protocol responses to be sent in the negative response may be one of:

0x01Negative Acknowledgement
0x02Access Denied (PGN supported but security denied access)
0x03Cannot Respond (PGN supported but ECU is busy and cannot respond now. Re-request the data at a later time.)*

* Any other response provided will use this response value

Block Parameters

Parameter Field Values Comments/Description
J1939 Handler Instance Name String This field references the J1939 handler instance associated with this response.