MotoHawk SAEJ1939 PGN Trigger

This block triggers when a PGN request is sent to the referenced J1939 handler instance.

Block ID

MotoHawk SAEJ1939 PGN Request Trigger




This block triggers all function call subsystems that are attached to the output port when a PGN Request command is sent to the referenced J1939 Handler instance. The determination of whether the conditions are correct for the request to be accepted should be determined when this trigger occurs.

Block Parameters

Parameter Field Values Comments/Description
Priority Order Number When multiple triggers of the same criteria are present, this specifies which will execute first. The lowest priority trigger will be the trigger that decides the response to the PGN Request.
This trigger is inside another triggered subsystem Checkbox If the trigger is inside another triggered subsystem, this must be checked.
Trigger even when containing subsystem is disabled Checkbox If the trigger is inside another enabled subsystem, then execute this subsystem if that subsystem is enabled.
J1939 Handler Instance Name String This field references the J1939 Handler instance associated with this trigger.