MotoHawk SAEJ1939 SPN Vector Transmit

This block sets up a SPN Vector Transmit definition.

Block ID

MotoHawk SAEJ1939 SPN Transmit Vector




The "SPN Definition" script is required to follow the template outlined in the "motohawk_saej1939_spntx_vector_example" example file.

The definition script specifies a constant value, a port value, or an external datastore for each input parameter. The location of the block in the application will determine when the port-related information is updated when the port option is used.

The SPN definition in this block can interact with other blocks such as the DM19 block by allowing the user to add logic to change the raw data in those messages.

Block Parameters

Parameter Field Values Comments/Description
SPN Definition String Evaluates to a SPN Transmit Vector definition specified in the example script.