ADC Windowed Periodic Vector Result

This MotoHawk™ block recovers coherent data acquired by the referenced ADC Windowed Periodic Vector System Definition block.

Block ID

ADC Windowed Periodic Vector System Definition


MotoHawk_lib/Analog I/O Blocks


This MotoHawk™ block recovers coherent data acquired by the referenced ADC Windowed Periodic Vector System Definition block.

Any of the ADC Windowed Periodic Vector Element Definition blocks that reference the same ADC Windowed Periodic Vector System Definition can be recovered by this block.

The instant in time when this block executes and the value of the Window Time input port "frames" what data will be recovered by this block. The width of each vector is defined by the ADC Windowed Periodic Vector System Definition's Max Window Depth attribute. Samples that fall outside of the supplied Window Time are zeroed. If the Window Time is too large then the entire vector is filled and the oldest data is discarded. The figure below illustrates.

A cell array is used to specify what vectors are to be recovered. Thus an entry of {'ADCWV_AUXAn16', 'ADCWV_Sense24V'} would recover 2 vectors. It would be expected that there were ADC Windowed Periodic Vector Element Definition blocks named 'ADCWV_AUXAn16' and 'ADCWV_Sense24V' in the model.

The ADC Samples output reports how many samples of data were returned. The value is effectively the Window Time converted into samples. The Sample Period is the Sample Frequency of the system converted into a microsecond period. The ADC Samples and Sample Period ports allow the vector data to be integrated.

Block Parameters

Parameter Field Values Comments/Description
Name 'single-quote' enclosed alpha-numeric text No special characters such as spaces, dashes, commas (underscore allowed). Select a unique name.
Resource Drop-down list Select appropriate resource. (None) implies that this behavior is not supported by the module.
ADC Windowed Periodic Vector System Name single-quote' enclosed alpha-numeric text The ADC Windowed Periodic Vector System that is to include this element.
Result Elements Cell Array of strings Defines what ADC Windowed Periodic Vector Element Definition results are to be recovered by the block.
Represent vector elements as this many ADC bits Numeric (Integer) Defines how many ADC bits the data should be represented in. If the underlying ADC is a 10bit converter, but 14 bits is specified then the conversions will be shifted up so that the supplied results behave like they came from a 14 bit converter.

This can be useful when using the raw results with blocks that convert to engineering units.