Frequency Input Get Raw 16Bit

This MotoHawk™ block returns the raw counts reported by the framework, limiting to 16-bit resolution (uint16).

Block ID

Frequency Input Get Raw 16Bit


MotoHawk_lib/Advanced Digital I/O


This block calculates each period based on input, with NO averaging or filtering over multiple periods. If "Get Duty Cycle" is selected, an additional port is displayed. Choose the resource name (specified in the Frequency Input block) to specify the input channel to reference. Adding duty cycle report increases demand on CPU time.

Block Parameters

Parameter Field Values Comments/Description
Reference Name Alpha-numeric text, quote enclosed Enter reference to 'Name' specified in the Frequency Input Definition block.
Get Duty Cycle Measurement Select whether or not to obtain Duty Cycle measurement.
  Get Duty Cycle Measurement Enable Duty Cycle Measurement
No Duty Cycle Measurement Disable Duty Cycle Measurement