MotoHawk Hi Resolution, Modulated One-Shot Output Module Considerations

The capability of the High Resolution Modulated One Shot can be impacted by the module that is in use.

Classic Module Capability

The High Resolution Modulated One Shot behavior is implemented on classic modules using the TPU. Classic modules include the following (where 'xx' can be any number)

Maximum Attainable Duration

The maximum duration that can be delivered by a resource is not defined by the Max Expected Duration attribute. The maximum can be influenced by this value if it is set small, but a large value won't extend the duration beyond what the implementation is capable of delivering. Capability is driven by the TPU's TCR1 clock frequency. Generally this clock frequency is defined based upon the selected encoder definition block. High tooth count encoders will run 4MHz. Lower tooth count encoder will run 2MHz and very low tooth count encoders like 4X will run 1MHz.

The lower the TCR1 frequency the greater the maximum attainable duration. Applications that don't require a specific encoder definition can populate a low tooth encoder (and sacrifice use of the encoder input) so as to manipulate the TCR1 frequency and thus impact what the maximum attainable duration will be.

MPC5xxx based Module Capability

Maximum Attainable Duration

The High Resolution Modulated One Shot behavior is implemented on MPC5xxx modules using the eTPU. Modules with a processor name of 5644A, 5444, 5566 or 5634 in their module name are MPC5xxx modules. The eTPU clock frequency is effectively constant (~10MHz) on these modules, which and leads to a maximum attainable duration of approximately 838ms.