Interpolative Encoder Edge Generator (IEEG) Definition

This MotoHawk™ block generates an interpolative output signal that is synchronized to the primary engine encoder of the system.

Block ID



MotoHawk_lib/Analog I/O Blocks


This block generates an output signal that is synchronized to the active encoder source. Each edge represents an angle with its spacing defined by the specified interpolation angle. The system will catch up, when exposed to greater acceleration, by placing the edges the minimum edge spacing apart. This block output will shut down if the encoder is too fast to insert the edges.

Interpolation is used to distribute the edges based upon the value of the average period.

The Interpolation Angle must divide evenly into 360degCA. There will be no output signal created if an inappropriate interpolation value is chosen.

Use the IEEG Clear Diagnostics block to reset the diagnostic outputs from this block.

Block Parameters

Parameter Field Values Comments/Description
Name Alpha-numeric text, single-quote enclosed Enter a unique name for this output (useful for assigning the IEEG Clear Diagnostics block). No special characters, such as spaces, dashes, commas (underscore allowed).
Resource Drop-down list Select encoder edge resource for this block (target module dependent).
Interpolation Angle
Positive Integer Enter an integer value (1/16 degree evaluation, such that an entry of 16 represents 1 degree, 8 = 0.5 degrees, etc.) for the interpolated angle to use for creating the generated output interval.
Minimum Edge Spacing (µs) Positive Integer Enter a value for minimum edge interval or spacing to be used, beyond which the intended output from this block shuts down.
Elements in Average Integer (1-10) Enter a value (1...10) for the number of previous elements to be averaged in computing the edge interval or spacing for the ensuing signal generated. An error will result if an invalid value is applied.