Key Off Timer

This MotoHawk™ block reports the approximate time between the last key-off transition to key-on transition in milliseconds as a uint32 value.

Block ID

Key Off Timer


MotoHawk_lib/Advanced Digital I/O


This MotoHawk™ block reports the approximate time between the last key-off transition to key-on transition in milliseconds as a uint32 value.

The time is only valid provided there has been no power loss to the module while the key switch was in the off position.

Some modules will not be able to provide millisecond precision. The reported time will be rounded up to the next available unit of measure (seconds, minutes) when this is the case. A module will also not be able to report a time beyond the maximum time that it can measure (which is module specific). The maximum is reported if the time spent with the key switch in the off position exceeds the time that the module can measure.

Block Parameters

Parameter Field Values Comments/Description
Name Alpha-numeric text, single-quote enclosed Name assigned to the resource. Should be unique and C-legal (no special characters such as spaces, dashes or commas (underscore allowed).
Resource Drop-down list A resource of (None) indicates that the module does not support this behavior.