MC33810 Spark DAC Settings

This MotoHawk™ block allows the DAC settings like nominal spark current to be tuned at runtime for the referenced MC33810 device.

Block ID

MC33810 DAC Settings





This MotoHawk™ block allows the DAC settings of an MC33810 IC to be tuned at runtime. The referenced MC33810 Spark Control Definition block identifies the MC33810 instance that the supplied setting will be applied to.


MAXI Threshold (A)

The MC33810's MAXI DAC setting in amps. The MAXI signal of the MC33810 asserts when the primary current attains this threshold. Values of 6 to 21 accepted.

NOMI Threshold (mA)

The MC33810's NOMI DAC setting in milliamps. NOMI refers to the nominal current threshold of the MC33810. The Time to Nominal Current block uses this setting. Values of 3000 to 10750 accepted. Resolution is 250mA and the block will round to the nearest setting. Failure to attain this threshold may also trigger an open circuit fault on the associated IO.

Dwell Overlap (%)

The MC33810's Dwell Overlap setting as a fractional representation where 256 == 100%. Dwell overlap is used to scale the MAXI threshold internally since overlap results in superposition of the ignition current. Use a setting of 0 to disable this functionality.

Block Parameters

Parameter Field Values Comments/Description
Reference Alpha-numeric text, single-quote enclosed The name of the MC33810 Spark Control Definition block that these attributes will apply to.