Push Pull Feedback Definition

This MotoHawk™ block provides access to the push pull feedback in ADC counts.

Block ID

Push Pull Feedback


MotoHawk_lib/Diagnostic Blocks


This block can also be used in combination with the Push Pull Feedback Get block if the definition of the Fault Status needs to be separated from the accessor. The "Name" parameter can be empty. If it is, then the Name is inherited from the resource selected. For some targets, a value of 65535 is an indeterminate value, not an actual ADC reading.

Block Parameters

Parameter Field Values Comments/Description
Name Alpha-numeric text, single-quote enclosed. Provide a name, or leave blank (Name is then inherited from the resource selected).  No special characters, such as spaces, dashes, commas (underscore allowed).
Resource Drop-down list Select resource for feedback as available from the list.
Show Ports Check box (enable). Select to make the block's Output port available for use in the model.