MotoServer Automation

A popular Woodward communications software is known as MotoServer™. MotoServer™ manages the real time read and write access to a remote devices' internal data or the offline files which would be loaded onto that remote device. MotoTune™ is a calibration and monitoring software for Windows PCs which requires MotoServer™ for device data access.

MotoHawk™ installs a set of MATLAB scripts which allow the MATLAB scripting environment to interact with MotoServer, expsoing much of the same functionality that a user would have when operating MotoTune. All of these scripts can be identified as they all use a prefix of "motosdk_". By default, MotoHawk does not enforce that these automation scripts are added to the MATLAB path.

Add motosdk Scripts to Path

Assuming a typical MotoHawk installation, the location of the MotoServer Automation scripts is

and therefore, to add these scripts to the MATLAB path, you can use the command
addpath(fullfile(motohawk_directory(1), 'Automation', 'MotoServer'))

Minimum MotoServer Version Supported

The motosdk automation M-scripts installed with MotoHawk™ require a minimum MotoServerRuntime installation version of

The MotoServerRuntime installer can be obtained from the Woodward website at:
Add the text "MotoServer" to the search dialog.

Automation Command Description

This section lists the automation commands are available. For additional information on any of the commands, type help <name_of_command> at the MATLAB command prompt and additional information will be provided.

motosdk_calibration_compare This function will compare two MotoTune calibration files, providing a text file as a report.
motosdk_calibration_database This function will return the queryable database representing the parameters available in the device.
motosdk_calibration_from_ecu This function will extract all calibration parameter values from an online device.
motosdk_calibration_from_program_file This function will create a calibration file (.cal) from the device memory image.
motosdk_calibration_merge This function will merges a calibration file (.cal) into the device memory image.
motosdk_calibration_parameter_get This function will return the value for a parameter recorded in a calibration file (.cal).
motosdk_calibration_parameter_set This function will assign the value for a parameter recorded in a calibration file (.cal).
motosdk_offline_database This function will return the queryable database representing the parameters in a device from its software id (DLL name).
motosdk_offline_parameter_set This function will assign the value for a parameter within its memory image file.
motosdk_online_parameter_get This function will retrieve the value for a parameter from an online device.
motosdk_online_parameter_set This function will assign the value for a parameter within an online device.
motosdk_program_ecu This function will perform a reprogramming of the indicated device.
motosdk_transfer_upgrade This function will perform the Transfer/Upgrade feature of MotoTune.


Some important points to keep in mind include: