CAN Over SPI Receive Slot Properties Set

This MotoHawk™ block adjusts the properties of a CAN Over SPI slot definition.

Block ID

CAN Over SPI Receive Slot Properties




This MotoHawk™ block adjusts the filter properties of a CAN Over SPI slot definition at runtime.

The settings won't open up a restrictive filter that has been defined within the slot's definition.


ID (uint32)

This port alters the CAN like Message ID that is to be received by the slot. CAN supports a 29bit message ID, with Standard and Extended message types. CAN Over SPI supports a 30 bit message ID so Standard and Extendedmessage types could be encoded by using bit 30 to describe the message type.

ID Mask (uint32)

This port alters the mask used with the Message ID. Each bit in the received message's ID that has a 1 in this mask must match the value of the specified ID before the message will be received. Note that the mask can only be made more restrictive relative to the original ID Mask defined for the referenced slot.

Block Parameters

Parameter Field Values Comments/Description
Reference Slot Name Alpha-numeric text, single-quote enclosed The Slot Name of the message definition that is to be impacted by this block.