MotoHawk CAN Over SPI Reset Status

This MotoHawk™ block allows various status attributes of the named link to be reset by the application.

Block ID

CAN Over SPI Reset Status




Zeroes the specified attribute within the named CAN Over SPI link when the block executes and its boolean reset input port is true. The attribute remains unaffected if the input port is false. A drop down menu is used to specify what attribute is to be reset. Multiple instances of the block can be used within a model, each of which can select the same or a different attribute to reset.

Block Parameters

Parameter Field Values Comments/Description
Name Alpha-numeric text, single quote enclosed The name of CAN Over SPI Defn that is to be affected.
Reset Dropdown Data attribute to be reset, selected from:
  All (each item below will be reset)
  Max TX queue depth
  Max RX queue depth
  TX overrun count
  RX overrun count
  Number of TX messages discarded because of timeout
  Number of RX messages discarded because invalid