MotoHawk Slave SPI Trigger

This MotoHawk™ block triggers when the data associated with the specified SPI Slave Reload has been sent. It implies that the Master has also transmitted data that can now be read.

Block ID

Slave SPI Trigger




This MotoHawk™ block triggers when the data associated with the specified SPI Slave Reload has been sent. It implies that the Master has also transmitted data that can now be read.

Block Parameters

Parameter Field Values Comments/Description
Reload Name Single quote enclosed alphanumeric The name of the SPI Slave Reload block that this trigger is associated with.
Trigger Name (optional) Unique, C-legal, single quote enclosed alphanumeric Set the text that will be appended to code generated function name.
Priority Order (Lower executes first) Numeric This attribute allows the exection order of multiple triggers associated with the same transaction to be specified.
Allow placement of trigger inside another triggered subsystem. Check Box (enable) Select to enable trigger inside a triggered subsystem.