MotoHawk DateTime Comparison

This block compares two dates. There are a variety of different operators and the "Resolution" parameter specifies how sensitive the comparison should be. "Individual Fields" resolution allows each field to be selected separately.

Block ID

DateTime Comparison


motohawk_datetime_lib/Date/Time Blocks


This block compares two dates. There are a variety of different operators and the "Resolution" parameter specifies how sensitive the comparison should be. "Individual Fields" resolution allows each field to be selected separately.

Block Parameters

Parameter Field Values Comments/Description
Operator Dropdown Operator can be one of the these options : ==, ~=, <=, >=, <, or >
Resolution Dropdown Select the resolution of the comparison
Compare Year Checkbox Only valid when Resolution is set to "Individual Fields". Uncheck the box to ignore the Year field in the comparison.
Compare Month Checkbox Only valid when Resolution is set to "Individual Fields". Uncheck the box to ignore the Month field in the comparison.
Compare Day Checkbox Only valid when Resolution is set to "Individual Fields". Uncheck the box to ignore the Day field in the comparison.
Compare Hour Checkbox Only valid when Resolution is set to "Individual Fields". Uncheck the box to ignore the Hour field in the comparison.
Compare Minute Checkbox Only valid when Resolution is set to "Individual Fields". Uncheck the box to ignore the Minute field in the comparison.
Compare Second Checkbox Only valid when Resolution is set to "Individual Fields". Uncheck the box to ignore the Second field in the comparison.
Compare Microsecond Checkbox Only valid when Resolution is set to "Individual Fields". Uncheck the box to ignore the Microsecond field in the comparison.