MotoHawk Ethernet UDP Receive Read Data

Supplies the data recieved by a User Datagram Protocol (UDP) frame.

Block ID

Ethernet UDP Rx Read Data




When a new UDP frame is received on the listening port defined by the UDP Rx Client Definition, this block can be used to recover the data and other information related to the incoming frame.

Block Parameters

Parameter Field Values Comments/Description
UDP Client Reference Alpha-numeric text Reference to the Name of the Ethernet SNTP Client Definition block that this status refers to.
Maximum UDP message length Integer (1 to 65535) Defines the maximum UDP packet length which will be received by the block itself and sets the Data port's width to this size. When an incomming message is larger than this parameter, then it will be ignored.


Output ports to provide the received data and other related information about the received frame:

Signal Type Comments/Description
Data uint8[] A vector of bytes of length supplied by the "Maximum UDP message length" parameter. The Length port indicates the number of actual bytes received.
Length uint16 The number of data bytes received in this frame.
Data Status enum The status of the received frame. 0 = Data Not Available, 1 = Data Available.
The m-script motohawk_ethernet_UDP_receive_status_enum.m returns a cell array of mode names which can be used as an enumeration string in a MotoHawk probe block
Source IP uint8[4] The source IPV4 address of the sender.