MotoHawk Ethernet UDP Transmit Write Data

Sends the data to the given IP address and port using the User Datagram Protocol (UDP).

Block ID

Ethernet UDP Tx Write Data




Sends the data supplied at the input port to the IP address and port specified.

Block Parameters

Parameter Field Values Comments/Description
Name Alpha-numeric text The name of this transmit instance. A unique name will be auto generated when this field is left empty.
Adapter Reference Alpha-numeric text Reference to the Name of the Ethernet Adapter Definition block that this protocol will be used to communicate through.


Input ports to provide the data to transmit:

Signal Type Comments/Description
Destination IP uint8[4] The destination IPV4 address to send the frame.
Destination Port uint16 The destination port to send the frame.
Data uint8[] A vector of bytes of length supplied by the Length port
Length uint16 The number of data bytes to send in this frame.

Output ports:

Signal Type Comments/Description
Data Status enum The status of the received frame. 0 = Not connected, 1 = Data sent, 2 = Data not sent.
The m-script motohawk_ethernet_UDP_transmit_status_enum.m returns a cell array of mode names which can be used as an enumeration string in a MotoHawk probe block