Adapt Table

This MotoHawk™ block modifies the values of a 1-D or 2-D table at runtime.

Block ID



MotoHawk_lib/Lookup Tables


The Table Name must reference a 1-D or 2-D table defined elsewhere in the model, using either an Interpolation or Table block. The "Storage and Accessibility" option of the respective MotoHawk Lookup Table or Interpolation block must be set to "Adaptive - Volatile" or "Adaptive - NonVolatile" for this feature to apply.
Block Inputs:

Input Comments/Description
Adapt Quantity The value to be added to the Table Data of the Lookup Table surrounding the breakpoint as it is executed. If the current index is within 1/4 fraction distance between two breakpoints, then the Adapt Quantity value will be added to the closer corresponding point in table data.
Adapt Min / Max Adapt Min and Adapt Max are the saturation values of Table Data. This is to set the limit of Table Data in case of continuous accumulation of the Adapt Quantity. Note that the Min and Max Values in the MotoHawk Lookup Table or Interpolation do not apply here since the adaptation occurs during runtime, while the Min and Max Values only apply to the Instrumentation Tools

Block Parameters

Parameter Field Values Comments/Description
Table Name Alpha-numeric text, single-quote enclosed The name of the 1-D or 2-D table defined elsewhere in the model (using either an Interpolation or Table block) that is to be affected.
Data Type Listing - single, double, int8, uint8, int16, uint16, int32, uint32 Sets Data type.
Adapt Mode Selects whether 1/2 of the error will be distributed at all. The adaptation can be disabled when between points.
Adapt between points If enabled, and the current index is further than 1/4 faction from the two breakpoints it is between, then 1/2 of the Adapt Quantity will be added to the two corresponding points in Table Data
Adapt only near points Disabled when between points
Output Adapted Value


Selects whether an output port will be exposed that outputs the amount distributed to all appropriate cells in the adapt table.