Relative Override

This MotoHawk™ block enables run-time modification and observation of wire values with a suitable Instrumentation tool.

Block ID



MotoHawk_lib/Calibration and Probing



The block contains an offset addition, which is zero by default, making it normally behave as a simple pass-through. Using an Instrumentation tool the output value may be locked, preventing propagation from the input to the output. Then the offset value may be changed. When the output has reached the desired value, the lock can be released, and the offset is permanently applied to the signal.

*NOTE:  Engineering Value = (Raw Module Value*Gain)^Exp)+Offset.

Block Parameters

Parameter Field Values Comments/Description
Name Alpha-numeric text, single-quote enclosed Base name of the override. Should be unique and C-legal (no special characters such as spaces, dashes or commas (underscore allowed).
Name Source   Select source for Name parameter
Use Parameter Use Name field text
Input Wire Name Take name from input wire name
Output Wire Name Take name from output wire name
Read Access Level 0-8 Sets security level 1 lowest, 8 highest, for user access to read value. A setting of zero indicates unsecured access is allowed.
Override Access Level 0-8 Sets security level 1 lowest, 8 highest, for user access to override value. A setting of zero indicates unsecured access is allowed.
Help Text Alpha-numeric text, single-quote enclosed Enter text to describe block usage per needs.
Units Alpha-numeric text, single-quote enclosed Engineering units of the override.
Minimum Value Numeric Value Sets lower end of allowable range for value
Maximum Value Numeric Value Sets higher end of allowable range for value
Precision Alpha-numeric text, single-quote enclosed Sets the desired precision of the variable for use by suitable Instrumentation tools. For instance, if the variable has a value of 98.76543 and the precision is ‘1.3’, the value displayed would be 98.765.
Gain Numeric Value Multiplier component of the conversion equation that converts a native value into an engineering units value (see Engineering Values versus Native Values).
Offset Numeric Value Offset component of the conversion equation that converts a native value into an engineering units value (see Engineering Values versus Native Values).
Exponent Numeric Value Exponent component of the conversion equation that converts a native value into an engineering units value (see Engineering Values versus Native Values).
Instrumentation Group Alpha-numeric text Defines the desired Folder name and hierarchy to be used by suitable Instrumentation Tools. Use "|" character between folder names to delineate subfolder structure.