MotoHawk OBD Fault Action Route Defaults

This block overrides the default settings in the Fault Action Route Definition block.

Block ID

OBD Fault Action Route Defaults


MotoHawk OBD Fault Manager


This block uses a script to override the default settings of "(None)" for the Fault Action and "(None)" for the Fault Condition. The script requires a specific format. Here is an excerpt from the "motohawk_obdfault_route_defaults_example.m" file that is included in the release:

fltroutes.faultroutes{fltroute_ctr}.name = 'FaultActionRoute';
fltroutes.faultroutes{fltroute_ctr}.fault_name = 'Fault1';
fltroutes.faultroutes{fltroute_ctr}.default_action = 'MyFaultAction';
fltroutes.faultroutes{fltroute_ctr}.default_cond = 'Suspected';

Block Parameters

Parameter Field Values Comments/Description
Fault Action Route Definition String, Expression Defines the script used to override a fault's fault action routing.