MotoHawk OBD Fault Action Routed to Fault

This block returns whether a fault action is routed to a specific fault.

Block ID

OBD Fault Action Routed to Fault


MotoHawk OBD Fault Manager


This block returns whether a fault action is routed to a specific fault. This can be used to determine how a particular fault has been calibrated and adjust the application accordingly at run time.

The value output will be one of the following:
0 = Not Assigned
1 = Assigned on Condition: Suspected
2 = Assigned on Condition: Pending
3 = Assigned on Condition: Confirmed
4 = Assigned on Condition: Ready
5 = Assigned on Condition: Failed This Drive Cycle
6 = Assigned on Condition: Test Complete This Key Cycle
7 = Assigned on Condition: Previously Active
8 = Assigned on Condition: MIL Request
9 = Assigned on Condition: Permanent
10 = Assigned on Condition: Test Failing
11 = Assigned on Condition: Test Failed Since Last Clear
12 = Assigned on Condition: Failed Last Drive Cycle
13 = Assigned on Condition: Test Failed Since Key Cycle

"motohawk_obdfault_action_assigned_enum" is a script that returns a cell array with the enumeration. It can be used in the Enumeration field of a probe to decode the return value of this block.

Block Parameters

Parameter Field Values Comments/Description
Fault Source Drop Down The fault source is selected with this parameter. It can be "By Name" or "By Reference".
Fault Name String When "By Name" is selected, then this parameter is used to specify the fault. It must match a fault in the application.
Action Name String The action source is specified by this parameter.