MotoHawk OBD Mark To Clear

This block allows the user to clear the condition specified by the Fault Condition Criteria parameter. Some OBD regulations allow the conditions to be erased regardless of the normal behavior. This block is intended to satisfy this requirement.

The marking occurs immediately, but the condition will not be cleared until the driving cycle completes. As long as this block executes one time with the inhibit port set to false, the condition will be erased at the end of the drive cycle.

The 'inhibit' port when driven true will prevent the clear action from occurring (no change occurs).

Block ID

OBD Mark To Clear


MotoHawk OBD Fault Manager


Block Parameters

Parameter Field Values Comments/Description
Fault Source Drop-down List If "Lookup By Name" is selected, the "Fault Name" parameter is used. If "Input Reference Signal", then the input port is used.
Fault Name Edit (optional) This is the name of an existing fault.
Fault Condition Criteria Drop-down List This specifies the condition to clear: Pending, Confirmed, MIL Request, Previously Active, Permanent, or Test Failed Since Last Clear.