Woodward Custom XCPSlave Ethernet Definition

The XCP Ethernet Definition block defines the protocol settings necessary to manage an XCP connection on Ethernet.

Block ID

XCPSlave Ethernet Definition


Woodward Custom XCPSlave


This block establishes a logical XCP connection on the indicated Etherent adapter. There can only be one XCP Ethernet Definition block in the application.

The XCP Command packets are responded to in IDLE time of the application, while data acquisition list (DAQ) packets will be transmitted in association with the event trigger requested by the XCP Master. The configuration of available DAQ event triggers is provided by the Event Definition block.

DAQ lists have a limitation that the number of DAQ lists * the number of ODTs per list must be less than or equal to 252. The number of ODT Entries per ODT can be in the range of 1 to 255 for Ethernet.

In order for the Woodward Custom XCP Slave library to be used, the user's MotoHawk security token will need to have the proper license added to it. For instructions on how to accomplish this, please see the instructions for adding the MotoHawk XCPSlave Library license.

A user can check whether their MotoHawk security token has the needed product license at the Matlab command line by executing the woodward_custom_xcpslave_check_license command. A returned value of 1 means the MotoHawk XCPSlave Library is licensed, while a returned value of 0 means it is not.

Block Parameters

Parameter Field Values Comments/Description
XCP Instance Name String The unique name assigned to this logical Ethernet connection.
Ethernet Channel Name String Specify which Ethernet channel to use
Number of Connections Number, Minimum of 1 The logical XCP connections to support on this Ethernet adapter.
TCP Port Number, 16 bit Port number necessary for establishing the XCP connection
Command/Response Message length (MAX_CTO) Number, 8-255 The maximum allowed length for a command or response packet
DAQ/STIM Message Length (MAX_DTO) Number, 8-4096 The maximum allowed length for a DAQ packet
Receive Queue Size Number The number of block transfer packets to buffer
Total Number of DAQs (1-252) Number, 1-252 Set the number of Data Acquisitions (DAQs) for this connection. DAQs are lists of automatically transmitted signals.
Total Number of Object Descriptors (ODT) per (DAQ) (1-252) Number, 1-252 Set the number of Object Descriptors (ODTs) per Data Acquisition list. ODTs determine the length of each DAQ list in DTO messages.
Total Number of Signals per ODT(Constrained by MAX_DTO) Number, 1-255 Set the number of allowable signals per Object Descriptor (ODT)