MLX90363 Send

Block ID





When executed this block sends the selected command to the named resource. As part of the process of sending it receives a response packet from the previous command. This raw data response can be fed into a Receive block for processing.

The user is expected to be familiar with the MLX90363 datasheet, as this defines timings that must be observed between packets. Commands that require longer than the defined time 'tShort' have their timing controlled by the application.

When a command is selected, the appropriate input ports appear on on the block. These values are then formatted into a SPI message and sent to the device. The received data presented at the output port as a vector of 8 bytes.

The command 'Raw' is not listed in the device datasheet. When selecting 'Raw' calculates a CRC of the DataIn 8 byte vector and sends the resulting complete buffer to the device.

Block Parameters

Parameter Field Values Comments/Description
Command Dropdown Command to send. These commands map to opcodes defined in the datasheet with the exception of Raw. Raw allows the user to provide a vector of 8 bytes that will be sent to the device. The last byte will be modified with a CRC are required by the device.
Reference Name Edit Box Name that references the definition. Must be supplied in order to access the resource.