MotoHawk Ethernet SNTP Read

Outputs the time returned by the SNTP server.

Block ID

Ethernet SNTP Read




When a new time is available (can be determined by using an SNTP Receive Trigger) this block can be used to recover the time sent by the time server in its response to a request.

Block Parameters

Parameter Field Values Comments/Description
SNTP Client Reference Alpha-numeric text Reference to the Name of the Ethernet SNTP Client Definition block that this status refers to.
Show Response Delay Checkbox When checked, an output port will be available to recover the time taken between sending the request and receiving the response.


Output ports to provide the time and optionally the response delay:

Signal Type Comments/Description
Time uint16[6] A 6 element vector of uint16 values as follows:
[0] Hours 0-23
[1] Minutes 0-59
[2] Seconds 0-59
[3] Year
[4] Month 1-12
[5] Day 1-31
Response Delay uint16 (ms) The time in milliseconds between the request and response.