
This MotoHawk™ block enables the declaration of calibration variables. Such variables are exposed to suitable Instrumentation Tools (calibration tools) that will allow run-time modification and observation of the variable.

Block ID



MotoHawk_lib/Calibration & Probing Blocks



The block behaves in simulation like a Constant block, and accepts any Matlab value that uses a basic Matlab data type as its Default Value, including data-typing casts. Custom data types are not valid and will display an update error.



Some labels on the block are only displayed when certain modes are selected in the mask parameters. The 'Output' label shows value(s) that will be exported to the block's output port. The 'Output' label is only shown when its value is different from the engineering 'Value'. The engineering 'Value' will be different if gain, offset or exponent are not 1, 0 and 1 respectively. See the Engineering Values versus Native Values help topic for further information.

When the Read or Write access levels are not 1, they are displayed alongside the behavior.

If the value displayed on the block has an asterisk (*) next to it, this indicates that the value is being overridden by a workspace calibration struct variable, called MODEL_cals, where MODEL is the name of the model.


Some items are hidden or re-arranged when the block is made small in order to continue to display essential information. Increase the block size to see more detail.

Block Parameters

Parameter Field Values Comments/Description
Name Alpha-numeric text, single-quote enclosed Visible if "Use Parameter" is selected in "Name Source."  Name exposed to Instrumentation. Should be unique and C-legal (no special characters, such as spaces, dashes or commas (underscore allowed).
Default Value   The default value of the calibration. This block will behave as a constant block that will output the Default Value. Specify the native value (not the engineering value). See the Engineering Values versus Native Values for further information.
Behavior (storage class) Define type of block behavior
  Calibration Flash calibration variable created
Display RAM calibratiion variable created.
Calibration NV NonVolatile calibration variable created.
Display NV NonVolatile variable created that is not considered to be part of the calibration.
Calibration Fixed NV Behavior is similar to Calibration NV and Display NV, but data is stored as Fixed NonVolatile.
Fixed NonVolatile data allows for greater flexibility by permitting the addition of new data items whilst retaining existing data during an application upgrade.
Display Fixed NV
Specify Memory Region Check box (enable) Selects that the data will be placed in region specified by Memory Region Name. This option is only available if the target and selected storage class support memory regions. The default memory region is used when this option is not available or unchecked.
Memory Region Name Alpha-numeric text, single-quote enclosed Name of the Memory Region in which to place the data. This option is only available when Specify Memory Region is checked.
Name Source Select source for Name parameter
  Use Parameter Select to display name field and enter Name
Use Output Wire Name Take name from output wire name
Output Data Type Set Data Type for Output
  Inherit from Default Value Takes Data Type from default value entered
  Inherit via back propagation Set Data Type via back propagation from the attached Simulink signals
  double, single, int8, etc. Select Data Type from types listed
Read Access Level 0-8 Sets security level 1 lowest, 8 highest, for user access to read value. A setting of zero indicates unsecured access is allowed.
Write Access Level 0-8 Sets security level 1 lowest, 8 highest, for user access to write value. A setting of zero indicates unsecured access is allowed.
Use uploaded calibration values Checkbox enable Enable/disable to use or ignore uploaded values
View Value as   Sets "Default Value" data type
Number Numeric value
Enumeration Enables enumeration - maps to the indicated term in the Enumeration text-entry field
Text Text string
Enumeration (Cell String, or Struct) Alpha-numeric text, single-quote enclosed Field enabled when Enumeration is selected under "View Value as." Enter term of defined entity to be  mapped.
Cell String: A cell array of strings such as {'Off', 'On'} may be used to define the names of enumerated values. In this case, the values start with 0 and increment by one. This is especially useful for defining names for boolean flags like 'On' and 'Off'.
Struct: A Matlab struct array containing a 'name' field, and optionally a 'value' field may be used to define the names and explicitly define the values of an enumerated type. For example: struct('name', {'Off', 'On'}, 'value', {0,1}). If the 'value' field is missing, then the values start with 0 and increment by one, just like with the Cell String format.
Show Vectors As Wide Row/Tall Column Format vector output as row or column.
Help Text Alpha-numeric text, single-quote enclosed Enter text to describe block usage per needs.
Units Alpha-numeric text, single-quote enclosed The engineering units associated with this variable.
Row Header Enumeration Alpha-numeric text, {} bracket enclosed Cell String: A cell array of strings such as {'Off', 'On'} may be used to define the names of enumerated values. In this case, the values start with 0 and increment by one. This is especially useful for defining names for boolean flags like 'On' and 'Off'.
Struct: A Matlab struct array containing a 'name' field, and optionally a 'value' field may be used to define the names and explicitly define the values of an enumerated type. For example: struct('name', {'Off', 'On'}, 'value', {0,1}). If the 'value' field is missing, then the values start with 0 and increment by one, just like with the Cell String format.
Column Header Enumeration Alpha-numeric text, {} bracket enclosed Cell String: A cell array of strings such as {'Off', 'On'} may be used to define the names of enumerated values. In this case, the values start with 0 and increment by one. This is especially useful for defining names for boolean flags like 'On' and 'Off'.
Struct: A Matlab struct array containing a 'name' field, and optionally a 'value' field may be used to define the names and explicitly define the values of an enumerated type. For example: struct('name', {'Off', 'On'}, 'value', {0,1}). If the 'value' field is missing, then the values start with 0 and increment by one, just like with the Cell String format.
Minimum Value Numeric Value Sets the lower end of the allowable range for the calibration. The specified value is in engineering units (see Engineering Values versus Native Values).

Typically this value is used by instrumentation to prevent a user from entering an out of range value when calibrating.
Maximum Value Numeric Value Sets the higher end of the allowable range for the calibration. The specified value is in engineering units (see Engineering Values versus Native Values).

Typically this value is used by instrumentation to prevent a user from entering an out of range value when calibrating.
Precision Alpha-numeric text, single-quote enclosed Sets the desired precision of the variable for use by suitable Instrumentation tools. For instance, if the variable has a value of 98.76543 and the precision is ‘1.3’, the value displayed would be 98.765.
Gain* Numeric Value Multiplier component of the conversion equation that converts a native value into an engineering units value (see Engineering Values versus Native Values).
Offset* Numeric Value Offset component of the conversion equation that converts a native value into an engineering units value (see Engineering Values versus Native Values).
Exponent* Numeric Value Exponent component of the conversion equation that converts a native value into an engineering units value (see Engineering Values versus Native Values).
Instrumentation Group Alpha-numeric text, single-quote enclosed Defines the desired Folder name and hierarchy to be used by suitable Instrumentation Tools. Use "|" character between folder names to delineate subfolder structure.

*NOTE: Engineering Value = ((Native Value * Gain)^Exponent) + Offset
See the Engineering Values versus Native Values help topic for further information.