MotoHawk:Blocks:ADC Periodic Vector Element

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ADC Periodic Vector Element

This block is used to associate an ADC input to a queue entry and the trigger source generated by the [ADCPeriodicVectorDefinition.html ADC Periodic Vector Object Definition] block. This would correspond to one of the grey blocks in the figure below.


Block ID

ADC Periodic Vector Element


MotoHawk_lib/Analog I/O Blocks



The ADC Periodic Vector behavior allows multiple ADC channels to be sampled. This block associates an ADC input resource to an ADC Periodic Vector Definition.

Block Parameters

Parameter Field Values Comments/Description
Name 'single-quote' enclosed alpha-numeric text

No special characters such as spaces, dashes, commas (underscore allowed). Select a unqiue name. This name shall be used within the [ADCPeriodicVectorDefinition.html ADC Periodic Vector Object Definition] to reference this element.

Resource Drop-down list Select appropriate resource.
Vector Name 'single-quote' enclosed alpha-numeric text

Set to the name of the [ADCPeriodicVectorDefinition.html ADC Periodic Vector Object Definition] block that this element applies to

Queue Column Numeric (Integer)

This parameter maps the resource to a particular column in the queue. It must be unique for a particular [ADCPeriodicVectorDefinition.html ADC Periodic Vector Object Definition] and it is zero-based.