MotoHawk:Blocks:ToolChain Definition Block

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Tool Chain Definition

Use this MotoHawk™ block to choose the tool chain for MotoHawk to use (including a custom option) for the compiler build (when CTRL+B is pressed).

Block ID

Tool Chain Definition





The "Name" is a user-specified name given to the tool chain. It has no bearing on the tool chain chosen, it is for documentation purposes. The "Tool Chain" drop down list contains the tool chains that are available for this target.

The "Custom" tool chain option allows the user to choose an alternate directory with a supported build template. The "Build template" will force MotoHawk to generate build scripts and files for the specified tool chain. Note that a custom tool chain must be compatible with a supported tool chain, otherwise the build will not succeed.

Important: MotoHawk is only tested with the supported compilers given in the drop down list. Use of another compiler through the custom option is at user's risk.

Block Parameters

Parameter Field Values Comments/Description
Name Alpha-numeric text, single-quote enclosed Specify a name for the tool chain (for documentation purposes only; this name has no bearing on the tool chain chosen). No special characters, such as spaces, dashes, commas (underscore allowed)
Tool Chain Drop-down list Select from available tools (listed), or select [Custom] to choose an alternate directory with a supported build template. Choose [None] to disable the build compile, and generate code only.
Build Template Drop-down list Select from available tools (listed) to use as a template.
Tool Chain Install Directory Alpha-numeric text, single-quote enclosed Specify a path to a directory for the tool chain location (example: 'C:\GHS\ppc421\' )