Suitable task was not found to service

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MotoCoder may generate a build error with the form: ERROR: A suitable task was not found to service 'HistogramLogBuffered' because no periodic application triggers execute at a rate of at least as fast as 1000000us

The bold text in quotes describes the device driver that is trying to be serviced and the time describes a periodic rate that the device driver wants to be able to execute at. The device driver requires periodic execution, but to execute periodically requires that the execution occur within a particular task. What task should the device driver use? MotoCoder attempts to discover what the most appropriate task is by scanning the periodic execution that is already occurring within a model and selecting the task with the lowest priority that already has a periodic trigger that is at least as fast as what the device driver requires. The error occurs because MotoCoder was unable to find a trigger that had an effective rate of execution that is at least as fast as what the device driver required in the MotoHawk model.

To rectify add a trigger block connected to an empty subsystem that effectively does nothing. MotoCoder will find this trigger and use the task associated with this trigger to execute the device driver code.